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Activist calls on pres. Buhari to unmask peddlers of false accusations against NDDC and CRA

Activist calls on pres. Buhari to unmask peddlers of false accusations against NDDC and CRA

A human right activist and the president general of "Initiative for Transparency Strategy and Good Leadership" Barr Chizy Enyi  has appealed on president Mohammadu Buhari to direct his security agencies to investigate and identify those raising false petitions against his government and cabinet members.

In a letter released by the president of the NGO, Barr Enyi highlighted many points as well apologized on behalf of Nigerians over the manner people reduce the office of the president.

Read the full here below...

1st July, 2019.
The President,
Federal Republic of Nigeria,
Three Arms Zone,
Presidential Villa,
Aso Rock,


The above subject matter refers:

The Initiative for Transparent Strategy and Good Leadership is an NGO registered with Cooperate Affairs Commission whose duty is to checkmate and serve as watchdog on the activities of government.
We have watched with keen interest the petition by Niger Delta Youth Advancement Initiative (NDYA) against you and two others, though addressed to you. The delay in responding to the petition was to give the Petitioners enough time to realize themselves and apologize publicly to you, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi and the Management Board of the NDDC led by Prof. Nelson Brambaifa.
The continued refusal of the Petitioners to apologize has necessitated our response as stated below:

(1) Mr. President Sir, you will agree with us, that the appointment of the Board Members of the NDDC does not rest on any individual including Rt. Hon. Chubuike Amaechi, but a prerogative of your office and therefore, anybody or group of persons saying that Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi appointed the NDDC Board Members, is making mockery of your office and condemning you before human indifference.

(2) Mr. President Sir, it will interest you to note that paragraph 4 &5 of the Petitioners petition on the above subject matter, did not only reduce the office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to zero and relegated it to the background, but also demean you as a person without character and integrity, and therefore calls for a serious concern.

(3) The allegations against Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, is not only false, but too weak to be giving a second thought. The age disparity between you and Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi and the exalted office you occupy, will not allow him to deceive you as posited by the Petitioners. Remember also, that during the time of the appointment of the Board Members of NDDC, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi was under oath as the Minister for Transportation and cannot work against the oath he swore.  Mr. President Sir, you have worked with Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi as your cabinet member and you know him more than us as a man of honesty and integrity, whose quest for money and material things is at the lowest esteem. No wonder, he was adjudged the best performing minister in your cabinet.

(4) Mr. President Sir, it will further interest you to note that even the Petitioners, could not link Rt. Hon Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi to a single contract from NDDC given to him or a company he is a shareholder. Do we say the Petitioners were blindfolded? Only God knows!

(5) The Petitioners could not also link the Management Board of the NDDC with any documentary evidence of corruption and fraudulent contracts awarded without due process, which is the watchword of the administration of the President Buhari led Federal Government.

In view of the above, we found the Petitioners petition baseless and of no effect, and further states as follows:

(1) That on behalf of Nigerians and other NGO’S, we apologize to the office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi and the Management Board of the NDDC for the baseless allegations that has no bearing with the truth.

(2) That Mr. President should direct security agencies to unmask the real identity of the Petitioners, knowing that giving false information is a serious crime that must be investigated and appropriate actions taken against those who commit the crime. The Petitioners should be made to proof their petition.

(3) That since no Prima Facia case has been made against the NDDC Management Board, the Board Members should be allowed to continue to deliver on its core mandate without distraction.

(4) That the enemies of Niger Delta should allow Mr. President to concentrate on his developmental strides and his promise to clean up the Niger Delta from oil pollution, militancy and kidnapping.

It is our humble opinion, that we allow peace, for development to take the centre stage in the Niger Delta region.


Chizy Enyi Esq.
President General,
Initiative for Transparent Strategy and good leadership.


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