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BREAKING: Zimbabwe’s First Lady Grace Mugabe Files For Divorce from 94 Year Old Robert Mugabe

Zimbabwean First lady, Grace Mugabe is leaving her twenty one year marriage over concerns about her role as an irresponsible former First Lady of Zimbabwe and a bane on the nation’s economy.
The world is in shock today after sources close to the Mugabe family confirmed that Grace Mugabe has filed for divorce on Wednesday. The South African born woman has voiced concerns over her role as the former First Lady of Zimbabwe, claiming that it’s about time she enjoys some peaceful life and she is not prepared to be ridiculed for the years ahead, her ostracism and her husband’s resignation as the leader of Zimbabwe have gradually grown into life threatening headache.
“She’s been very upset ever since Mugabe gave up to hand over power to his ousted Vice-president,” said a source close to the family. “She wanted a role as a First Lady, not as a woman who acts as subordinate. She is also not prepared to leave her luxurious lifestyle to live in a home of captivity. She thinks that the decor is despicable and beyond repair.”- the source disclosed.
Other reports claim that the key figure and the center of the ongoing Zimbabwean political crisis ‘Gucci Grace’ has filed for divorce on the alleged claims of eschewing any form of further embarrassment and disgrace that has already befallen on her family. Ex-Zimbabwe’s first lady, Grace Mugabe is divorcing her husband so she can free herself from public ridicules, the reports claim.
Judiciary spokesman, Lawrence Brown has confirmed divorce proceedings were in motion and if both parties agree, they could go their separate ways in about a month.
Throughout her husband’s presidency she had supervised the government’s poverty relief programmes and a strong force behind women’s affairs in ZANU-PF.
Grace Mugabe had an affair with the married President when working as a secretary in his office. Mugabe’s first
wife Sally died from . Four years later he married Grace in a
Grace Mugabe has assumed an increasingly political role in recent years. Born in Benoni, South Africa, she became wedded to Robert in what was dubbed Zimbabwe’s “Wedding of the Century” following the death of the president’s first wife, Sally Hayfron after suffering kidney failure in 1992.
The couple had two boys – Robert Jr, 25, and Chutunga, 21, – who have become “Playboys” flaunting their wealth and party exploits on social media.
South African-born Grace, 52, is also legendary for her ostentatious living. So much so that’s she been dubbed “Gucci Grace” for her shopping as millions of Zimbabweans live in poverty. Grace recently sued a Lebanese gem dealer for failing to deliver a 100-carat diamond ring, worth more than £800,000.
Her ambitions to take over from her ailing 93-year-old husband led to their demise, according to many observers and the sacking of popular vice-president Emmerson Mnangagwa appeared to have been the final straw.
The New Statesman reports that things came to a head this week when General Constantino Chiwenga and ZANU-PF officials forced the Zimbabwean godfather to resign.
Leading commentator on Zimbabwean politics Chris Mutsvangwa said: “It’s the end of a very painful and sad chapter in the history of a young nation, in which a dictator, as he became old, surrendered his court to a gang of thieves around his wife and tasting the bitterest part of separation in his marriage after 21-year fruitful.##


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