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What Every Politician Should Know Before 2019!

What Every Politician Should Know Before 2019!

The concept of running an election is a serious business for those who cares, hence nobody/party will deliberately want to go for an election with the aim of loosing out. Therefore, it is expedient that those expecting to contest election must read and have some lay down qualities (if not all) at the front of their mind before being voted for or against. 
For this reason, we shall x-ray some of such qualities here.

Deciding which candidate to vote into office is simply a matter of party
affiliation for many people. Others, however, cast their votes based on
specific characteristics they look for in their candidate of choice. So what
are the qualities or characteristics good political leaders should possess?
Here are the top 5 characteristics of some of the world’s most successful
political leaders.

Being honest can sometimes be difficult because it makes individuals
vulnerable. It reveals who we really are and discloses our mistakes, which
gives others the opportunity to criticize or reject openly. Honesty develops
character and builds credibility and trust, which are the foundation to evoke
confidence and respect from those around you, and in the case of political
leaders, teammates and constituents.

Compassion is the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others
and wanting to do something to alleviate that suffering. While many see
compassion as a weakness, true compassion is a characteristic that
converts knowledge to wisdom. Good political leaders use compassion to
see the needs of those he or she leads and to determine the course of
action that would be of greatest benefit to all those involved.

The word integrity is defined as ‘the adherence to moral and ethical
principles; the soundness of moral character.’ It is a synonym for honesty
and uprightness, and is a vital characteristic for those in political
leadership. Political leaders who possess integrity can be trusted because
he or she never veers from inner values, even when it might benefit them to
do so. A leader must have the trust of followers. This requires the highest
standard of integrity.

Having confidence in a political leader is about having faith or belief that he
or she will act in a right, proper, or effective way. A good political leader
needs to be both confident in himself or herself as well in their ability to
lead. Leaders who possess this quality inspire others, drawing on a level of
trust which sparks the motivation to get others on board and get the job

Flexibility for a political leader is about understanding the give-and-take
aspects of politics, and the ability to find the common ground. Good
politicians listen carefully to all sides, to not only hear their arguments but
to especially learn what it will take on behalf of all parties involved to
reach a consensus. This characteristic allows political leaders to recognize
setbacks and criticism, to learn from them and move forward.

Great Political Leaders
Great political leaders have all of these qualities - and more. Each aspires
to respect different views, analyze problems, and identify the best solutions
- not based on loyalty to political party, but rather based on what is good
and right and in the best interest of the nation as a whole.


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