The trial of former National Security Adviser (NSA) Sambo Dasuki, has gathered more momentum as his case on alleged mismanagement of $2.1billion arms funds gets tougher. According to source close to Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, former president of Nigeria, said the case may likely need the attention of the ex-president to be his witness. The source said: “All is set for the defence of Dasuki, who is still insisting on an open trial to let Nigerians know the beneficiaries of the arms cash. “One of those who may testify is ex-President Goodluck Jonathan whose remarks in London appeared to be the first phase of the war chest of the ex-NSA. “You know the ex-NSA said he acted on Jonathan’s instructions in disbursing some of the cash. And from the look of things, the ex-President is now ready to accept responsibility for whatever Dasuki did. “We believe it has reached a level that Nigerians must know what really happened, how funds were disbursed and who got what. “Th...
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