Drama as governor Nyesome Wikes Chief of staff, Emeka Woke battling to defend the failing government of his boss over revenue generating projects as requested by Rivers APC chairman, Hon Ojukaye Flag Amachree who challenged the wike led government to show forth any revenue project they have secured. Chief Woke while battling to defend his boss received another tough hit from the APC boss. According to Hon Ojukaye "sometimes I feel pity for him, being involved in this Wike's failed Government". "I really sympathize with him, understanding the pressure he's under to defend this government. Unfortunately, he's doing it at the detriment of his political career. If he thinks that constructing two round- abouts and overlaying of roads can be seen as generating employment and revenue, then we are finished in R/S. "Shamefully, this Government has no record of any employment created as claimed not to mention figures, I challenge the Chief of Staff to provi...
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