So many Nigerians has been carried away with the figurative expression made by President Mohammadu Buhari that his wife Aisha belongs to the ''kitchen, living room and the other room.''
In a swift reaction, Dr. Idris Ahmed wrote;
''Aisha Buhari was born Aisha Halilu, on 17th February 1971, in Adamawa state. She did her primary and secondary school education in the same state.
When Aisha married Muhammadu Buhari on 2nd December 1989, she only had a secondary school leaving certificate at the time.
Based on his pragmatic outlook to life and a zeal to empower women, especially his wife, Muhamamdu Buhari continuously sponsored Aisha's education up to masters degree level.
Furthermore, he encouraged her to pursue business, so that she could be independent and make contribution to society.
These are some of Aisha's achievements while living with Muhamamdu Buhari his wife:
1. Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Administration from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
2. Master's degree in International Affairs and Strategic Studies from the Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna.
3. Diploma in Beauty Therapy from the Carlton Institute of Beauty Therapy, Windsor, United Kingdom.
4. Post-graduate diploma in Cosmetology and Beauty from Academy Esthetique Beauty Institute of France.
5. Member of the United Kingdom Vocational Training and Charitable Trust.
6. Member International Health and Beauty Council.
7. Founder/Managing Director of Hanzy Spa and Principal of Hanzy Beauty Institute.
8. Resource Person to the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE).
9. Published a book titled "Essentials of Beauty Therapy: A Complete Guide for Beauty Specialists”.
10. Patron of various charity organisations at home and abroad.
Regardless of the joke he cracked in Germany, that his wife belongs to his kitchen, living room and the other room, this man, Muhammadu Buhari, has done everything conceivable to assist his wife attain fulfilment, independence, and thus become a proud contributor to human society.
Muhammadu Buhari has remained a faithful husband and a great father to Aisha's 5 children.
Ask yourself this sincere question; how many men out there on the planet are this good to their wives?''